NCG har i januar og februar 2017 holdt kursus hos i Fredericia.

Kurset har fokus på:

• Det omfatter en introduktion for ledere og sagsbehandlere i en offentlig virksomhed til offentligretlige regler samt til principper for retlig regulering af det danske samfund.

• Hovedvægten er lagt på grundlæggende regler i forvaltningsloven, offentlighedsloven og persondataloven samt på et kendskab til særlige normer for ansatte i det offentlige.

Finn Kittelmann, cand. jur. og NCG partner, er underviser og kursusansvarlig.


The legislation behind public enterprise – extended administrative law

A course/supplementary training was carried out in January and February 2017 for in their Head Office, Fredericia, Denmark by Finn Kittelmann, Lawyer and Partner, who also developed this course.

Course focus was on:

• An introduction for managers and case administrators in a public enterprise to rules of public law and principles for legal regulation of the Danish Society.

• Fundamental rules in the Public Administration Act, the Access to Public Administration Files Act and the Act of Processing Personal Data and on knowledge about special principles for public servants behaviour. is an independent, public enterprise that owns the Danish electricity and gas transmission system. The main task is to maintain the overall short-term and long-term security of electricity and gas supply.