NCG partners, staff, and external consultants have a thorough understanding of, and extensive knowledge of, multi-faceted development issues and programme processes, encompassing rural and urban contexts, conflict and post-conflict areas, and fragile states. This, combined with the ability to analyse complex problems, enables us to work in a variety of socio-cultural contexts, and establish effective working relationships with counterparts and colleagues.

We have the in-house capacity to react quickly and with the flexibility to the shifting needs of our clients, offering the full project cycle management services that include, but are not limited to:

NCG Project Cycle ManagementIdentification
Project conceptualisation, including assessment of the pertinence of the proposed project; does it fit with the overall strategy; is it based on thorough knowledge and analysis of the context and needs; what is the expertise of local partners. The initial draft of the project to elaborate on activities, outputs, objectives, impact projection, and resource and budget estimations.

Design and formulation of project and programme objectives in coherence with donor and country policies, and detailed proposals, including narrative overview; situation analysis; institutional and organisational analysis; risk assessments and mitigation; theory of change; feasibility studies; appraisals; partner identification; activities outline; logical framework; detailed financial proposal and budgets; and additional documents and information depending on project type.

Practical preparations, including recruitment of staff, organisation of project teams, logistics, and stakeholders involvement. Setting up monitoring and financial systems; risk monitoring systems; preparation of external audits and evaluations and baseline studies. Institutional capacity/capability development including technical and on-the-job training; coaching and mentoring; training workshops, courses, and e-learning; and facilitation of partnerships.

Review and monitoring of project progress for project management and accountability purposes, including project outputs against logframe indicators; progress of activities against project plans; and expenses against budgets. Reporting and recommendations on project adjustments based on findings.

Evaluation of results and impact through strategic ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post, summative, normative, and real-time evaluations. Assessment of outcomes against objectives, the effectiveness of an intervention, and formulating learnings and recommendations.