Mariager rådhusI NCG har vi udviklet et kursus om de grundlæggende regler for offentlig forvaltning. Særligt aktuel er den nye og meget omtale offentlighedslov, eventuelt sammen med den nye reviderede forvaltningslov.

Målgruppen er især ansatte uden juridisk baggrund - så som ledere, projektledere og sagsbehandlere i institutioner, der er en del af den offentlige forvaltning. Det kan være alt lige fra ministerier, styrelser, kommuner, regioner til offentlige selvejende institutioner.

Kurset omfatter fem moduler:

1. En introduktion til den retlige regulering af det offentlige Danmark

2. Forvaltningsloven og dens centrale funktion for enhver offentlig institution

3. Offentlighedsloven, som den ser ud fra 1. januar 2014 (med henvisning til gældende lov)

4. Persondataloven, Folketingets Ombudsmand, decorum, gaver, ytringsfrihed for offentligt ansatte

5. Opsummering af det gennemgåede stof ud fra deltagernes ønsker.

Et eller flere moduler kan leveres særskilt eller i kombination.Kurset er gennemført for ansatte i Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy (DPID)/ Institut for Flerpartisamarbejde. Det har været baseret på dialog og præsentation i PP-format.

Nærmere oplysninger fås hos Finn Kittelmann (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) eller Marie-Louise Appelquist (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Tlf: 43 71 62 00

Course offer: The law behind public management - both the new public administration legislation, administrative law, etc.

The target group is especially employees without legal background- such as managers, project managers and administrators in institutions that are part of the public administration. It can be anything from ministries, agencies, municipalities and regions for public non-profit institutions.

The course consists of five modules:

1. An introduction to the regulatory framework of the Danish public sector

2. Law on Administrative Procedure and its key functions to any public institution

3. Law on Open Administration, as it looks from 1 January 2014 (with reference to current law)

4. Personal Data Act, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, decorum, gifts, freedom of expression for public employees

5. Summary of chosen studied material after wish by the participants.

One or more modules are available separately or in combination.

For further information please contact Finn Kittelmann (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Marie-Louise Appelquist (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Tlf: 43 71 62 00

Published: 11.07.2013

Modified: 19.07.2013